About — The Standard CrossFit

We’re qualified to get you fortified 

We are the ONLY gym in Ohio to have TWO Certified CrossFit Level 3 Trainers!

You won’t find a staff more devoted to continual education than at The Standard.

We stay on the cutting edge of wellness & fitness so we can serve you better every day.

Ben Olin

Certified CrossFit Trainer (L3), CF Weightlifting, CF Gymnastics (2x), NASM CPT, MobilityWOD Specialist, Precision Nutrition Certified, and Titleist Performance Certified.

I was born in Toledo, attended Toledo Christian, and graduated with a Bachelors in Business Administration focused in Marketing.

Historically, I have not been an athlete—or even a fit person in general—but in 2012, I made a lot of changes in my life and taking care of my body was one of them. I can empathize with those struggling to get started with such an important commitment and is also the very foundation on which The Standard was built.

Today, I’m a longevity advocate and believe fitness can push off the nursing home, improve an individual’s daily happiness, and reduce the incidence of preventable chronic disease.

I used to sing professionally but now I coach and compete regionally with CrossFit, enjoy running Tough Mudder and Spartan Races with my brother, play golf as much as possible, discuss all deep and interesting topics, and love helping others!

Sam Woodring

CrossFit Level 3 Trainer

Born in Cleveland, Ohio and spent most of my life in Toledo. I have been doing CrossFit since 2017 and received my Level 1 Certificate in 2018. My L2 was delayed by COVID, but a few months after, I took the course and passed the test.

Outside of the gym I enjoy spending time with my wife and friends and watching Cleveland Indians baseball. 

I fell in love with CrossFit because of the community and the constant variance in workouts. I love helping people reach their goals and I’m encouraged daily by the awesome members we have at The Standard.

Tim Supercynski

CrossFit Level 2 Trainer